Welcome to Gold Spur Equine
We are certified Acuscope and Myopulse technicians. At Gold Spur Equine, we are dedicated to providing the best Acuscope and Myopulse Therapy to horses and their owners. Our instruments are computerized and can detect and relieve injuries in a much more efficient way than traditional methods. We have successfully treated common equine problems such as pulled muscles and ligaments.
Our Story
Hello, we are Koree and Kaycee Edmonds, twin sisters from Kersey, Colorado. We have been raised in rodeo, starting at only 6 weeks old, rodeo has been our life, with Dad a PRCA Announcer and Mom a PRCA Music Director. We both compete in Team Roping and Breakaway, and travel the rodeo road, alongside our parents. Koree recently received her PRCA Music Director card, and is loving starting that adventure. We both are currently sophomores in college. Kaycee is attending Northeastern Junior College in Sterling, CO, pursuing an Associate Degree in Equine Business Management. Koree is attending Eastern Wyoming College in Torrington, WY, and pursuing a degree as a Veterinarian Technician. We decided that it was time to start our own business doing what we love, which is helping horses feel better. We utilize Acuscope Therapy in our horse's everyday life, and seeing the difference that it has made, motivated us to become certified technicians for this revolutionizing therapy.

Meet Gold Spur Equine Team
Kaycee Edmonds

(970) - 571 - 5476
Koree Edmonds